本片(剧)是一部美国制片作品的喜剧片电影,于2019年上映,拉里·克拉克 导演,J·K·西蒙斯 莱斯莉·安·华伦 朱莉·安·埃默里 布莱恩·丹内利 艾米·兰德克 大卫·科恩查内 汤姆·阿诺德 克里斯·鲍尔 强·格瑞斯 山姆·特拉梅尔 迈克·奥麦利 埃里克·埃德尔斯坦 斯蒂尔·史泰宾斯 莫·加夫尼 汤姆·易 等领衔主演。对白语言为英语,全片(剧)时长95分钟,目前豆瓣评分0.0。



The last thing Eddie Mills (Larry Clarke) wants to do is go home to deal with his dying Dad (Brian Dennehy). But the Catholic guilt gnaws at him, and he returns home to his crazy family, an overbearing step-mother (Leslie Ann Warren) , and his bear of a father. Once there, Eddie is confronted with a revelation that forces him to deal with the past he has always avoided.

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